Wednesday 20 February 2019

Secret Revealed !! Long Hair Like Rapunzels

The Super Hair Growth Secret

Women in the Heian period (794 to 1185 CE) in Japan had floor-length hair they kept healthy by bathing it in rice water.
A modern-day equivalent of this story can be found in China. The Yao women, who live in a village called Huangluo in China, are famed for having hair that averages 6 feet long.
In addition to its incredible length, the Yao women's hair is said to keep its color for longer, as they do not begin to get gray hair until they reach their 80s.
The Yao women credit the length and color of their hair to the fact they bathe it in rice water.
In recent years, beauty advice websites and product developers have caught on to this tradition. Now, the rice water trend is spreading.



Rice grains contain 75–80 percent starch.
Rice water is the starchy water that remains after soaking or cooking rice.
Rice water is thought to contain many of the vitamins and minerals contained in rice. These include:

  • amino acids
  • B vitamins
  • vitamin E
  • minerals
  • antioxidants

    The ancient Chinese village of Huangluo is actually nicknamed the ‘Long Hair Village’, as the Yao women in this autonomous region of Guangxi are known for their long, grey-less, shiny hair.
    Most women in this area have hair longer than 1.4 metres, and have even made an appearance in the Guinness Book of Records.

    For the Yao people, their long hair is their most prized possession, believing that long hair symbolises prosperity, longevity, wealth and good fortune. They wear their hair in different styles to represent landmarks in their life, such as marriage.

    Yao women only cut their hair once in a lifetime, aged 18. The hair is gifted to a grandmother, and then returned to the girl after she is married to wear alongside her own hair, as a hairpiece - Some may say this was the original hair extension!

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