Tuesday 19 February 2019

Your Super WeightLoss Supplement -- TURMERIC

scientifically known as Curcuma longa is one of the most relished spice. It belongs to the family Zingiberaceae, to which many spices belong.

The rhizome of turmeric is used in the dried or fresh form in cooking, cosmetics, and traditional medicines.
It has numerous bioactive compounds that endow several medicinal benefits to this spice. The most active and versatile of these compounds is the curcuminoids, especially curcumin.
The other compounds that are present in turmeric are volatile oils, Vitamins (B&C), Potassium, Sodium, Iron, Omega-3 fatty acids, α-linolenic acid, proteins, carbohydrate, fibres etc.
These compounds provide turmeric with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-microbial, analgesic, thermogenic properties and many more.

Turmeric can assist in weight loss in several ways. Turmeric prevents fat accumulation and promotes browning of white adipose tissue. It has has a thermogenic action which helps in fat burn. Turmeric is also known to accelerate diet-induced weight loss. Apart from this turmeric can help with other conditions commonly associated with excessive weight – diabetes, heart issues, depression etc.

Comprehensive Strategy for Weight Loss

Although turmeric may help with inflammation and fat cell expansion, it isn't a weight-loss miracle. You must still eat less and move more to create a calorie deficit to lose extra pounds. Talk to your doctor or use an online calculator to determine your daily calorie needs, which varies according to size, gender, age and activity level. Then, create a deficit of 500 to 1,000 calories from that rate to lose between 1 and 2 pounds per week. Use a combination of dietary restrictions and exercise. For example, if you typically eat 2,000 calories per day, burn 250 more calories per day through exercise and eat 250 calories fewer every day to lose 1 pound per week.

Dosage of Turmeric for Weight loss

The specification regarding dosage of turmeric for weight loss is not established. Turmeric is a safe product for regular dietary use.
The bioavailability or absorption of turmeric by the body, however, is a matter of concern. (Read How to improve turmeric’s bioavailability?)
Turmeric’s bioavailability can be enhanced by the use of Golden Paste (black pepper and healthy oils are added to turmeric paste).
Golden Paste can be prepared using turmeric powder or fresh turmeric root.
Turmeric consumption should be started little by little for people who do not include turmeric in diet daily. Initially, the intake should be a quarter to half a teaspoon per day for a week. The quantity can be raised slowly by a quarter or half a teaspoon every week.

 Turmeric prevents fat accumulation and hastens fat loss

Accumulation of fat in the adipose tissues or other tissues such as those of stomach and liver is characteristic of excessive weight and obesity.
The white adipose tissue in the body is the major fat accumulation site.
Angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels) in the white adipose tissue is linked to the fat accumulation in the obese people.
In order to reduce this fat accumulation the angiogenesis in white adipose tissue needs to be targeted.
Turmeric can be useful in this. The turmeric constituent, curcumin can prevent fat accumulation in the adipose tissues.
In a study, it has been shown to modulate the metabolic activities in the white adipose tissues that prevent angiogenesis. This, in turn, results in decreased fat accumulation.
Curcumin has also been found to decrease the size of adipose tissues, i.e. lower fat accumulation in over-weight patients. The body measurements of these patients showed significant reduction of fat.
Moreover, it has been observed that turmeric along with sulphur can prevent fat deposition and improve the lipid profile of blood and liver in over-weight individuals.

Turmeric promotes browning of white adipose tissue

Brown adipose tissue in humans has a significant function in heat production. This heat production comes at a cost of combustion of glucose and lipids.
This novel action of the brown tissue is gaining popularity as a therapeutic potential against obesity.
It has been observed that white adipose tissue can undergo browning and become an energy liberating tissue instead of a storing one.
There is a role of norepinephrine (a neurotransmitter) in the function of the brown adipose tissue.
The turmeric constituent, curcumin is found to be a promoter of browning of the white adipose tissue. It elevates the levels of norepinephrine which induces the browning process.
This action of curcumin, in turn, can prevent obesity by promoting the burning of accumulated fat in the body.

 Turmeric can accelerate diet-induced weight loss

Diet is a very important component of weight management. The calories that we consume through our diet require to check in order to prevent weight gain.
Reduction of high-fat diet intake and consumption of food that help in weight loss is useful.
There are several dietary products such as spices like turmeric which assist in the diet induced weight loss.
The carbohydrate fraction of turmeric is not absorbed by the body which is helpful in fat reduction and prevention of weight gain. Also, the dietary fibres of turmeric help in this.
Other studies have also shown the efficacy of turmeric (curcumin) in accelerating the weight loss induced by dietary changes.
In a study, overweight individuals were put under weight loss treatment through diet and lifestyle interventions. Some of them did not show significant weight loss and were then treated with curcumin.

Turmeric suppresses inflammation associated with obesity

Inflammation is greatly associated with obesity or excessive fat deposition in the body. In cases of obesity, the accumulation of pro-inflammatory substances (IL-6, TNF-α etc.) has been found.
Adipose tissue produces substances called adipokines, some of these such as IL-6 and TNF-α have inflammatory action. In case of obesity or excess fat deposition, the inflammatory action of these adipokines leads to the production of oxidative stress.
This inflammatory response further leads to other diseases like metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disorders, diabetes etc.
Turmeric being an anti-inflammatory substance can be very effective in targeting the inflammatory action of adipokines.
Curcumin’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action is known to target the obesity-associated inflammation. It down-regulates the activity of adipokines and up-regulates adiponection (regulates glucose and fatty acids levels) and thus decreases the oxidative stress caused by inflammatory adipokines.

Turmeric has thermogenic action

Thermogenesis is a metabolic process that involves burning calories in the body for energy expenditure. This process promotes the weight loss.
Increasing thermogenesis in the body through diet is seen as a practical and feasible approach towards the weight management.
Many dietary products such as green tea and spices are known to promote weight loss through thermogenesis.
Ginger, another spice of Zingiberaceae family is known for its thermogenic action. Its components gingerols and shogaols have been identified as potent thermogenic substances.
6-gingerol has been found to regulate metabolic rates in the animal model.
Turmeric has a presence of these components therefore, it has a potential of being a thermogenic substance.

Turmeric reduces depression

Depression is another complication associated with obesity and overweight that has a detrimental effect on the patients.
Many studies have confirmed the relationship between obesity and depression both ways, i.e. obesity can lead to depression and vice-versa.
The metabolic disturbance caused in the body by obesity is linked to the depressive behavior in the patients. These disturbances include inflammatory signals, insulin resistance, and hormonal disorders.
Turmeric is known for its anti-depressant like activity. Curcumin increases serotonin and dopamine levels that lead to a reduction of depression.

Turmeric prevents metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is another prevalent risk factor associated with obesity. Fat accumulation around the abdomen causes metabolic changes that cause metabolic syndrome, i.e. the risk factors that lead to coronary heart problems.
The reduction in weight can lower the risk of metabolic syndrome.
Turmeric is an efficacious agent against metabolic syndrome as well. It lowers the cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and blood sugar levels, and collectively acts against the condition.
Turmeric along with black seeds has been found to be very effective in the metabolic syndrome prevention.

Turmeric has anti-diabetic action

The risk of diabetes is one of the most common among overweight or obese individuals. Therefore, prevention of this disease becomes very important.
Turmeric comes in handy here as well. It is known for its efficacy in the treatment and prevention of diabetes.
The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions of the curcuminoids, especially curcumin have a great anti-diabetic effect. These substances lower the blood sugar levels.
Curcumin has also been found to be significantly active against diabetes associated with obesity.


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