Tuesday 5 April 2016

W A T E R = Your Real Best Friend !!

The amount of water people need per day is up for debate, but studies suggest adults need nine to 16 cups of H2O. However this number varies depending on activity level, age, and how much water people are consuming in coffee, tea, or water-rich veggies and fruit. Here’s how to keep yourself hydrated: Begin by drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up, and 30 minutes before eating any big meal. (This will help control appetite, too.) Get in the habit of keeping a water bottle on hand at all times. And if the taste beings to bore, spice up the taste buds with a squeeze of citrus to the glass! Before you know it, all the benefits of water will be right at your fingertips… and in your body.

The benefits really are endless. (Just take a look!)

Fluid balance

Roughly 60 percent of the body is made of water. Drinking enough H2O maintains the body’s fluid balance, which helps transport nutrients in the body, regulate body temperature, digest food, and more.

Calorie control

Forget other diet tricks—drinking water could also help with weight loss. Numerous studies have found a connection between water consumption and losing a few pounds . The secret reason? Water simply helps people feel full, and as a result consume fewer calories.

Muscle fuel

Sweating at the gym causes muscles to lose water. And when the muscles don’t have enough water, they get tired . So for extra energy, try drinking water to push through that final set of squats.

Clearer skin

Certain toxins in the body can cause the skin to inflame, which results in clogged pores and acne . While science saying water makes the skin wrinkle free is contradictory, water does flush out these toxins and can reduce the risk of pimples.

Kidney function

Our kidneys process 200 quarts of blood daily, sifting out waste and transporting urine to the bladder. Yet, kidneys need enough fluids to clear away what we don’t need in the body. Let's drink to that!

Productivity boost

In order to really focus, a glass of water could help people concentrate and stay refreshed and alert.

Fatigue buster

Move over coffee—water can help fight those tired eyes too . One of the most common symptoms of dehydration is tiredness. Just another reason to go for the big gulp! (Not the 7-11 kind.)

Hangover help

If booze has got the best of you, help a hangover with a glass of water to hydrate the body and stop that pounding headache.

Pain prevention

A little water can really go a long way. Aching joints and muscle cramps and strains can all occur if the body is dehydrated .

Keep things flowing

Nobody wants to deal with digestion issues. Luckily, drinking enough water adds fluids to the colon which helps make things, ahem, move smoothly.

Sickness fighter

Water may help with decongestion and dehydration, helping the body bounce back when feeling under the weather. Just beware—drinking fluids hasn’t been scientifically proven to beat colds in one swoop, so don’t swap this for a trip to the doctor or other cold remedies.

Brain boost

A study in London found a link between students bringing water into an exam room and better grades, suggesting H2O promotes clearer thinking. While it’s unclear if drinking the water had anything to do with a better score, it doesn’t hurt to try it out!

Water is so beneficial, so easy, so free yet so easily overlooked. It’s really a no brainer (actually your brain is 90% water!!!). Your body is about 70% water, the majority of your blood and every cell in your body is composed of water. Therefore, you need water to function properly.

Have a look at the Video !!!

Sunday 3 April 2016

Practice -- Surya Namaskar or 'Sun Salutation'

Without the sun, there will be no life on earth. Surya Namaskar or 'Sun Salutation' is a very ancient technique of paying respect or expressing gratitude to the sun that is the source of all forms of life on the planet. Symbolically, the sun becomes our source of energy as well. About the history of this technique, it has been said by the ancient rishis of India that the different parts of the body are governed by different devas (divine impulses or divine light).

Benefits of Surya Namaskar

1. Strengthens the entire digestive system (including stomach, pancreas, intestines, liver, etc.) and cures, and prevents constipation.
2. Invigorates the nervous system (including the brain, spinal cord, lower plexus, and cures brain-fag, forgetfulness, worries and other forms of mental derangement. Though shattered nerves take a longer time and are more difficult to repair than other cells, our graduated course of Surya Namaskars will slowly but surely restore them to normality.
3. Invigorates the heart and will cure and prevent blood preesure, palpitation.
4. Develops the lungs, gives you wind and prevents tuberculosis.
5. Improves the quality and circulation of the blood. Active circulation of the blood is the first law of health.
6. Stimulates glandular activity; gives a new vivacity to the glands. Owing to the stretching and compressing movements of the throat and neck the thyroid gland is stimulated and any tendency to goiter is obviated. Correct glandular functioning governs health and attractiveness.
7. Improves the color and function of the spleen by enabling it to eradicate toxic impurities through profuse prespiration and to absorb vital energy from the atmosphere. A clear skin glowing with ruddy health end vigor is a winning factor for men and women in business and social life.
8. Strengthens the neck, shoulders, arms, wrists, fingers, back, stomach, waist, abdomen, intestines, thighs, knees, calves and ankles. Strengthening the back is known to be a simple but efficient remedy for kidney troubles.
9. Improves and develops the chest, i. e. keeps it hard, firm and elastic; restores it to normal loveliness.
10. Improves the uterus (womb) and ovaries removes menstrual disorders such all dysmenorrhea and consequent pain and misery.
11. Child-bearing is less painful and more easy. All discomforts from menopause vanish.
12. Will rid women of morning sickness and perverted taste and appetite, peculiar to pregnant women and regarded as inevitable.
13. Increase the quantity and improves the quality or milk in nursing mothers.
14. Proven to halt falling ofd o£ hair, and its tendency to grayness and prevents baldness by increasing nutrition to the hair and scalp, and the bonding of the neck backward and forward, insures good circulation to the bead.
15. Eradicates sexual debility, and the special weakness of men and women.
16. Reduces redundant fat, especially the fat about the abdomen, hips, thighs, neck and chin.
17. Will remove kidney troubles. Strengthens the stomach, neck, back, and chest by the mere rolling of the stomach towards the spine, as in some of the positions of Surya Namaskar. The positions include Pranamasana, Hasta Uttanasana, Hastapaadasana, Ashwa Sanchalana, parvatasana, Ashtanga Namaskara, Bhujangasana, parvatasana, Ashwa Sanchalana,Uttanasana, Hasta Uttanasana, Pranamasana.
18. Reduces the abnormal prominence of the the Adam’s apple by the forward and backward bending of the nook.
19. Destroys the offensive odor of perspiration.
20. Reduces bowleggedness.
21. Improves knock-knees in walking.
22. Prevents and corrects neurasthenia due to rhythmical breathing.
23. Will increase the height of the body if the positions are correctly performed.
24. Will produce direct mechanical efIect upon the alimenbry canal and will prevent and cure constipation.
25. Not merely gives you external form, shapeliness and muscle of the body, but improves and normalizes the function of most of the vital internal organs.
26. Makes you immune from disease by tremendously increasing your disease-resisting power. The practical test of health is that one should never have even ordinary cold or cough, which is regarded even by some medical men as inevitable or as a matter of course. A healthy person never feels that he has any organ or limb.
27. Takes you step by step quickly, easily, surely, from your present condition to the very height of physical perfection.
28. Is the quickest method for increasing and maintaining youthful buoyancy. The spirit of youth represents an invaluable asset. It is wonderful and satisfactory to know that you are fit and getting the most out of life. Then you have the jump on your follow man.
29. Gives you poise, mental as well as physical.
30. Endows the performer with more mental and psychic power and instills a theistic attitude in her or him gradually. It increases the power of mental concentration, optimism and self-confidence.

Believe me - A whole new dimension is added when done with awareness and involvement.!!! Start it today - Feel the Difference !!
** Attached a video below - which will help you out step by step

Buy fewer processed foods at the grocery store

Yeah I know !!
Getting into the habit of eating well and working out consistently is hard enough. Staying healthy and fit is even harder. Until you get into a good rhythm and form healthy habits, it can be challenging to figure out how to stay at your physical best without obsessing over it.

Dont Pick processed foods at the grocery store

All the foods we eat are processed in some way, but foods that undergo chemical processing, which means they are made from ingredients that aren’t real, thus making them high in sugar and low in the nutrients we actually need to fuel our bodies and keep us healthy, should be avoided.
As a general rule, try to limit the number of prepackaged, nonperishable food items you have in your grocery cart at checkout, foods such as chips, granola bars and frozen meals. Purchasing perishable items, such as yogurt, bread and fresh produce, is a sign that what you’re buying more closely resembles foods your body can easily digest and use for fuel.

### The Video attached shows you how sugar is Killing Us !!

Step Towards Being Healthy

Step Towards Being Healthy

Use a pedometer

Studies have proven that wearing a pedometer makes people walk 27% more. They actually tend to walk at least 1 mile more a day. 1 mile takes about 15-20 min to complete, which equals to burning about 8 pounds every year.
You don’t need motivation. You don’t need to go to a gym. You only need to give $20 to get a pedometer and check it throughout the day. Even if you don’t have a particular walking goal, just by keeping track of how much you walk, you will be walking more.
I find this fact fascinating.

You literally, literally, have nothing more to do than wear a pedometer. The rest takes care of itself automatically.
You will be walking more without realizing it!

Lets Lead A Healthy Life

Our Very Own Age Old Ayurveda offers a natural way to achieve wellness and joy. Discover your unique constitution, how to develop inner energy and find balance in your life.

Regardless of your age….
Regardless of your sex, or race…
Regardless of whether you have had children or not…
Regardless of previous injuries or trauma…
Regardless of whether you like exercise or not, whether you have time for it or not…
You have the power to change your life.
You can change your lifestyle into a healthier one.
Starting With the First ::
Go for a walk when stressed

Tons of people just visit the fridge when they are stressed. What if instead of paying a visit to your fridge, you went for a short walk around your neighborhood?
Listen, eating when stressed is bad habit, as you are not really hungry when you do it, not to mention that what you eat when stressed may not be of the highest nutritional value…(e.g., candies!).

Let’s assume that you get stressed twice a week. In those moments you opt for a 15 min walk instead of eating a 200 calorie snack. Assuming you burn 6 calories a minute, you will be burning 9,360 calories a year. This is equal to 2.7 pounds a year.
Now here is what you get with your current habit of eating a 200 calorie snack, twice a week: You get a total of 20,800 calories a year, which is equal to 6 pounds! Thus, if you keep going with that pace, you will be 60 pounds fatter in 10 years!
However, if you switch to taking a short walk instead of gaining 60 pounds, you will be losing 27 pounds in 10 years.
Holy, moly!
That is a total difference of 87 pounds!!!